Are you a runner with knee pain?


Are you a runner with knee pain?

You might feel a dull pain around the front of your knee when you start a run, mid way through a run, at the end of a run, or even in the days following a run.

With the recent Marathon season in full bloom, we know how important your training has been and how important it is that any injuries you’ve experienced during this season are looked at.

Pain over the front of the knee usually indicates that you’re suffering from something called “Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome”, commonly know as “Runner’s Knee”.

We’re currently helping out a number of Southampton and Whiteley runners with this exact problem.

The Science

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome is a term used to describe pain arising from the patellofemoral joint itself or the soft tissues surrounding it.

This injury can be caused by repetitive running activity, however, it can have multiple factors acting as a potential underlying cause, from imbalances, to weakness, or biomechanical abnormalities.

If you suffer from Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome you are likely to encounter pain over the front of the knee when you’re not only running, but going up or down the stairs, sitting with your knees bent, kneeling, or even squatting.

The Solution

Rest assured, our experts in Southampton and Whitley have the best solution for your problem.

We will treat your problem with an exercise program tailored specifically for your needs.

Simultaneously we will administer a course of shockwave therapy, which is designed to speed up the process and increase the chances of a successful outcome.

Rebekah came to us suffering with knee pain related to running. This is what she had to say about her Shockwave Therapy experience: –

Client Testimonials

“Came to the Oxford Street physio as I was told by the team at Jubilee that I may benefit from shockwave therapy for a knee injury. Booking was easy, the clinic was very clean and Lois was brilliant. The shockwave therapy is a bit painful, but after a few weeks of following the strengthening exercises provided and the treatment I am back running!” – Rebekah Sample

How to Book

If you are a runner with knee pain, book online or call us on 02381300260, so we can help you get back to running, and ready for the next marathon season.