Are you a teenager with knee pain?

Are you a teenager with knee pain?

You might feel pain over the front of your knees when you are running, jumping or even when you are playing with your friends.

With the end of the school year around the corner, the last thing you want is painful knees when you’re having fun.

Pain when touching the knee, bony prominence under the knee cap or pain when playing your favourite sport, usually indicates you are dealing with Osgood Schlatter.

Osgood Schlatter usually develops during the stage of bone maturation, affecting teenagers around 12 to 15 years of age.

We’ve helped many teenagers in Southampton and Whiteley throughout the years with this exact problem.

The Science

Osgood Schlatter disease is a name used for pain around the front of the knee in physically active teenagers.

This disease usually occurs in young adolescent athletes during the growth spurts between ages of 10 to 15 for boys and 8 to 13 for females. It is more common in sports such as running or basketball.

If you suffer from Osgood Schlatter disease you are likely to experience pain over the front of the knee when running, jumping, kneeling, kicking the ball and even when you’re going down the stairs.

The Solution

Rest assured, our experts in Southampton and Whiteley have the best solution for your problem.

We will treat your problem with an exercise program tailored specifically for your needs and tailored advice on your day to day activities to ease off the pain.

To compliment the exercise program we can carefully apply kinesiotape over the knee and teach you how to apply it yourself, to reduce the pain you’re experiencing.

To add even more to the table we can also assess your running and jumping technique to minimise the stress going through your kneess

How to Book

If you are a teenager with knee pain, book online or call us on 02381300260, so we can help you get back to your sport, and ready for summer holiday.

We have plenty of current availability at our clinics in Southampton and Whiteley.