A Runner with Achilles Tendon Pain

A Runner with Achilles Tendon Pain

Are you a runner with achilles tendon pain, if so, do not delay your treatment!

Visit our online booking page and get started with your recovery today!

The Science

Your achilles tendon has a load capacity. When that load capacity is exceeded, your tendon reacts. As a result, a tendinopathy develops. This happens when you increase your training volume or frequency.

The Solution

Rest won’t be enough to get rid of a tendinopathy. We find that the best form of treatment is a tendon strengthening programme, combined with a course of Shockwave Therapy.

Your tendinopathy takes 3 months to resolve with the correct treatment. Conversely, without the correct treatment, your tendinopathy will continue to impact your ability to run,.

Client Case Study

George came in to see us with 9 weeks to go before the London Marathon. Our initial consultation revealed an achilles tendinopathy. His tendinopathy had brought his training to a complete stand still.

He started his marathon training very late. However, he remained determined to prove to his friends and family that he was still up to the challenge.

We put George onto an immediate treatment plan. This included a course of Shockwave Therapy and a tendon strengthening programme. As a result, his tendinopathy resolved, and his achilles tendon became stronger. The plan worked!

9 weeks later, George completed the London Marathon symptom free! George was delighted with his recovery. Here is what he said about us: –

“Professional, Skilled, and got me to finish the LONDON MARATHON! Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy diagnosed me with Achilles Tendinitis, and helped me get back to fighting fit to finish the Virgin Money London Marathon 2019. His plan to get everything on track for me to finish was perfect. I would recommend Jonathan extremely highly to fix and advise any sports injury!” George Purchon