Physiotherapy In Midhurst & Easebourne
Sports Massage & Physiotherapy In Midhurst & Easebourne At Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy
Why choose Jonathan Clark for Physiotherapy in Midhurst / Easebourne?
We are a company you can trust. Our physiotherapists in Midhurst and Easebourne always act with integrity and compassion. They go above and beyond to fulfil their promises to clients.
Our team in Midhurst and Easebourne have successfully helped people of all ages and backgrounds with various activities. We have a proven record of providing excellent treatment outcomes. It doesn’t matter who you are, we are here to help.
Our physios will guide you in understanding and overcoming any aches, pains, or injuries. This approach enables you to return swiftly and safely to a pain-free lifestyle.
Our clinics in Midhurst and Easebourne provide services to help you recover from injuries faster and avoid future problems.
Our services include Physiotherapy, Massage, Sports & Deep Tissue Massage, Shockwave Therapy, Acupuncture, and Strength & Conditioning.
If you’re not sure which service you need, our experts can help find the best solution for your specific issue.
How can Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy in Midhurst / Easebourne help you?
We understand how inconvenient and disruptive being in pain can be. It can stop you from performing your daily activities, work, exercise, or sports, which can be incredibly frustrating.
Rest assured, we have a solution. Our physios in Midhurst and Easebourne can help you safely and effectively overcome aches, pains, or injuries. We have a proven track record of helping many people achieve this.
Whether you’re dealing with neck, back, shoulder, knee pain, or any other discomfort, the first step is to schedule your appointment with one of our physiotherapists in Midhurst and Easebourne.
Your therapist will assess you to diagnose your issue and help you understand why you are in pain. They will then create a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your needs, supporting you every step of the way.
This treatment plan may include Physiotherapy, Massage, Sports & Deep Tissue Massage, Shockwave Therapy, Acupuncture, or Strength & Conditioning. We will customise it specifically for you.

- Appointment Hours
- Monday to Thursday – 8.30am-6.00pm