Yintang – Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture of Yintang can be used to alleviate and even cure migraines! This particular Acupuncture point can also be used to effectively treat stress, anxiety and insomnia! Acupuncture treatment can also be excellent for muscle spasm, knots, pain and tension across your neck, back and shoulders. Book your appointment now @ or for more
We’re Online!
You can now book your Physiotherapy or Sports / Remedial Massage appointment directly online! Follow this link @ We offer flexible appointment times across 4 locations in Southampton, 6 days a week! Book your appointment now!
Soft Tissue Release
Soft tissue release can be excellent for neck and shoulder tension, tightness, spasm and pain! At Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy, we offer individually tailored massage treatments with our skilled Sports and Remedial Massage therapists. It is an excellent way to speed up recovery during intense training and following an injury, and has a number of physiological
What Is A Muscle Cramp?
‘Muscle cramps are a common and usually harmless condition where the muscles suddenly become tight and painful’ There are two types of muscle cramp 1. Exercise Associated Muscle Cramp This type of cramp can be caused by: Overuse / fatigue of muscles Shortened resting muscle length Electrolyte imbalance (altered potassium, calcium and magnesium levels)
Sports and Remedial Massage
We receive a lot of queries from clients as to whether Sports and Remedial Massage would benefit them. In our clinical experience, it can be extremely effective for alleviating various different aches and pains, top to toe. To date, we’ve had some excellent responses to treatments from our therapists. Sports and Remedial Massage has been clinically
Yintang – Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture of Yintang can be used to alleviate and even cure migraines! This particular Acupuncture point can also be used to effectively treat stress, anxiety and insomnia! Acupuncture treatment can also be excellent for muscle spasm, knots, pain and tension across your neck, back and shoulders. Book your appointment now @ or for more
We’re Online!
You can now book your Physiotherapy or Sports / Remedial Massage appointment directly online! Follow this link @ We offer flexible appointment times across 4 locations in Southampton, 6 days a week! Book your appointment now!
Soft Tissue Release
Soft tissue release can be excellent for neck and shoulder tension, tightness, spasm and pain! At Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy, we offer individually tailored massage treatments with our skilled Sports and Remedial Massage therapists. It is an excellent way to speed up recovery during intense training and following an injury, and has a number of physiological
What Is A Muscle Cramp?
‘Muscle cramps are a common and usually harmless condition where the muscles suddenly become tight and painful’ There are two types of muscle cramp 1. Exercise Associated Muscle Cramp This type of cramp can be caused by: Overuse / fatigue of muscles Shortened resting muscle length Electrolyte imbalance (altered potassium, calcium and magnesium levels)
Sports and Remedial Massage
We receive a lot of queries from clients as to whether Sports and Remedial Massage would benefit them. In our clinical experience, it can be extremely effective for alleviating various different aches and pains, top to toe. To date, we’ve had some excellent responses to treatments from our therapists. Sports and Remedial Massage has been clinically