Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain
Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ) Sprain or Separation describes an injury to the ligaments between the Acromion of the Scapula (shoulder blade) and the Clavicle (collar bone). The Acromioclavicular ligament is commonly affected, but injuries can also affect the Coracoclavicular or Coracoacromial ligament. Injuries are often caused by a fall to an outstretched arm. Ligament injuries vary
Back Pain
Suffering with ongoing back pain which isn’t resolving? Motor control can play a large part in ongoing pain and restoring the normal kinematics of muscles is the first step to getting you back on track! If this is you, come and meet one of our highly specialised physiotherapists who can thoroughly assess you and help
Strength and Conditioning Training
Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy is now offering Gym Based ‘End Stage’ Rehabilitation! One-to-one sessions designed specifically for strength and conditioning! Our therapist will tailor exercises to target specific muscle groups, helping you get back to your normal level of fitness following an accident or injury! Visit or call us on 02381 300 260 to find
Spinal Disc Pathology
The spinal vertebrae are separated by fluid filled pads known as the Nucleus Pulposus. These are surrounded by a tough, fibrous outer membrane called the Annulus Fibrosus and are held in place by the spinal ligaments and surrounding muscle. The pads act as shock absorbers, helping to cushion movement and protect the cartilage between joints.
DOMS; What is it? Why does it happen?
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is pain or soreness experienced 24-48 hours after physical activity. It can occur anywhere in the body which has been subjected to increased activity. It often follows the start of a new exercise programme, increased exercise duration / intensity or ‘eccentric’ (controlled elongation) movements such as bicep curls, squats or
Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain
Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ) Sprain or Separation describes an injury to the ligaments between the Acromion of the Scapula (shoulder blade) and the Clavicle (collar bone). The Acromioclavicular ligament is commonly affected, but injuries can also affect the Coracoclavicular or Coracoacromial ligament. Injuries are often caused by a fall to an outstretched arm. Ligament injuries vary
Back Pain
Suffering with ongoing back pain which isn’t resolving? Motor control can play a large part in ongoing pain and restoring the normal kinematics of muscles is the first step to getting you back on track! If this is you, come and meet one of our highly specialised physiotherapists who can thoroughly assess you and help
Strength and Conditioning Training
Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy is now offering Gym Based ‘End Stage’ Rehabilitation! One-to-one sessions designed specifically for strength and conditioning! Our therapist will tailor exercises to target specific muscle groups, helping you get back to your normal level of fitness following an accident or injury! Visit or call us on 02381 300 260 to find
Spinal Disc Pathology
The spinal vertebrae are separated by fluid filled pads known as the Nucleus Pulposus. These are surrounded by a tough, fibrous outer membrane called the Annulus Fibrosus and are held in place by the spinal ligaments and surrounding muscle. The pads act as shock absorbers, helping to cushion movement and protect the cartilage between joints.
DOMS; What is it? Why does it happen?
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is pain or soreness experienced 24-48 hours after physical activity. It can occur anywhere in the body which has been subjected to increased activity. It often follows the start of a new exercise programme, increased exercise duration / intensity or ‘eccentric’ (controlled elongation) movements such as bicep curls, squats or