Exploring Degenerative Diseases

Parkinson’s Disease Did you know that one person in every 500 has Parkinson’s Disease? That equals approximately 127,000 people in the UK. Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition caused by neuron degeneration in the brain and decreased Dopamine production. This reduces the brains ability to process and regulate normal body movement. Symptoms include: Tremor

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Super Strawberries

Not only are strawberries packed with antioxidants, they also contain numerous vitamins and minerals! Folate Potassium Manganese Fibre Magnesium Vitamin C Strawberries have been proven to: Reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes Lower blood pressure Ease constipation Alleviate allergies such as hay fever Lower cholesterol Reduce inflammation Improve hair health

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What is Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow is a term used to describe tendinopathy to the medial aspect of the elbow; this is also known as Medial Epicondylitis. It results in pain on the medial epicondyle of the forearm which is the origin for the flexor tendons. Medial Epicondylitis causes pain and inflammation to the flexor tendons of the forearm.

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Bone Broth – What are the benefits?

Bone Broth; typically chicken, turkey or fish bones simmered in water for a number of hours and used for gravy, soups or stews. Some of us may not like the sound of bone broth…but this nutritious mix contains multiple immune boosting products such as: collagen, gelatine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium! What are the Benefits?! Strengthens

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Health & Wellbeing; How does this affect ageing?

With ageing comes the inevitable changes to our bodies, including reduced organ function, slower metabolism and blood pressure changes. Although genetics are a key contributor to our ageing processes, there are however, lifestyle factors that you can control! 1. Avoid Toxins e.g. Alcohol and Tobacco Alcohol is associated with dehydration (increased wrinkles) and an imbalance

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Exploring Degenerative Diseases

Parkinson’s Disease Did you know that one person in every 500 has Parkinson’s Disease? That equals approximately 127,000 people in the UK. Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition caused by neuron degeneration in the brain and decreased Dopamine production. This reduces the brains ability to process and regulate normal body movement. Symptoms include: Tremor

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Super Strawberries

Not only are strawberries packed with antioxidants, they also contain numerous vitamins and minerals! Folate Potassium Manganese Fibre Magnesium Vitamin C Strawberries have been proven to: Reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes Lower blood pressure Ease constipation Alleviate allergies such as hay fever Lower cholesterol Reduce inflammation Improve hair health

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What is Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow is a term used to describe tendinopathy to the medial aspect of the elbow; this is also known as Medial Epicondylitis. It results in pain on the medial epicondyle of the forearm which is the origin for the flexor tendons. Medial Epicondylitis causes pain and inflammation to the flexor tendons of the forearm.

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Bone Broth – What are the benefits?

Bone Broth; typically chicken, turkey or fish bones simmered in water for a number of hours and used for gravy, soups or stews. Some of us may not like the sound of bone broth…but this nutritious mix contains multiple immune boosting products such as: collagen, gelatine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium! What are the Benefits?! Strengthens

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Health & Wellbeing; How does this affect ageing?

With ageing comes the inevitable changes to our bodies, including reduced organ function, slower metabolism and blood pressure changes. Although genetics are a key contributor to our ageing processes, there are however, lifestyle factors that you can control! 1. Avoid Toxins e.g. Alcohol and Tobacco Alcohol is associated with dehydration (increased wrinkles) and an imbalance

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