
Can Physiotherapy help my Tennis Elbow?

The answer is, yes. A recent well conducted randomised controlled trial, including 198 participants diagnosed with Tennis Elbow, showed that Physiotherapy can alleviate pain and dysfunction in both the short and long term. Interestingly, corticosteroid injections showed significantly better effects at 6 weeks, but significantly poorer outcomes in the long term compared with Physiotherapy. Tennis

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University of Southampton

The University of Southampton’s Physiotherapy service is provided by Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy Ltd, offering a team of qualified, dedicated, and experienced physiotherapists within the Jubilee Sport and Recreation Centre on campus in Highfield, Southampton. Our Physiotherapists assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of sports, occupational, medico-legal and generic musculo-skeletal injuries and problems. Jonathan Clark Physiotherapy Ltd

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Tendon Pain

Gone are the days where tendon pain was labelled tendinitis (itis = inflammation). In fact, an abundance of clinical studies now illustrate that there is in fact no signs of inflammation what so ever in the tendon. So where does the pain come from? What happens to the tendon? The new term ’tendinopathy’ has replaced

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